Dr. Daum is a consulting psychologist providing assistance including 'backroom' research and opposing expert cross-examination guidance, deposition and trial testimony in cases relating to selection, placement, promotion, age discrimination, compensation and validation litigation, for both plaintiff and defendant. He has been accepted by the Court as an expert in selection, promotion, compensation / awards and survey related issues.
Previously he served twenty-two years as CEO Competency Management Incorporated® and head of CMI's Employment Litigation Support Division. In addition to private consulting experience, he had held corporate positions as the Director of International Organization Analysis at Bristol-Myers and Senior Human Resource Strategy Consultant for JCPenney. Concurrent with his organizational positions, he served on New York University, Polytechnic Institute NY, and University of West Florida graduate school faculties. He holds numerous copyrights on tests and survey instruments. His training programs on selection have received national recognition for distinguished achievement in human resource development.
Dr. Daum's consulting experience spans public and private sector organizations including: Automotive, banking, chemical, educational, health care, insurance, manufacturing, pharmaceutical, retailing, utilities, and federal, state, and local governments. He has consulted on site in more than forty countries. Dr. Daum's clients included:
Litigation support has involved working with numerous internal counsel and a cross section of law firms including:
For additional information contact +1.313.885.4421
email: DrDaum74;effDaum.com